Trey Trotter, LMFT & Associates, LLC
Licensed Marital & Family Therapist
Masters Degree in Family Relations & Child Development with Specialization in Marriage & Family Therapy


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"Welcome to my website and it's a pleasure to meet you. I hope you enjoy your visit here & please contact us if you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment. I look forward to meeting you.
~ Trey Trotter, LMFT
We recently closed our brick & mortar building in Ponca City and we are seeing clients via Telehealth, for the most part. We also see clients in our Tulsa location on a limited basis, by appointment. Please note, all correspondence must be mailed to our PO Box listed at the bottom of each page..
Ms. Trotter, LMFT has a Bachelors of Psychology with a Minor in English, and a Masters of Science in Family Relations and Child Development with Specialization in Marital and Family Therapy. She is a Licensed Marital and Family Therapist through the State of Oklahoma and an Oklahoma approved LMFT supervisor. Ms. Trotter is a member of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy, the Oklahoma Association of Marriage and Family Therapy, and The Oklahoma Academy of Collaborative Professionals. She currently enjoys teaching Helping Children Cope with Divorce and Co-Parenting Through Divorce. Ms. Trotter is a public speaker and frequently gives presentations to companies, groups, teachers, counselors, judges, bar associations, colleagues, and universities throughout Oklahoma. Throughout her career, Ms. Trotter has given various interviews on Fox News, KOTV Channel 6 News, and the TBN Network over various topics. She has participated in several radio spots in Tulsa and Ponca City.
Ms. Trotter worked at the Family Counseling Department and the Home-Based Therapy Department at Family and Children's Services. She also assisted with the Families Interacting in New Directions (FIND) group doing parent-child interaction therapy (PCIT).
Ms. Trotter has had considerable experience in assisting the launching of grass roots programs. In 1997, Tulsa lead the nation in a pilot program whereby the social services portion of Head Start was contracted out to a social services agency. Ms. Trotter worked for the social services agency as a Supervisor for Head Start Family Support Specialists. She co-supervised a staff of over twenty specialists in addition to carrying her own case load. Ms. Trotter also began teaching "Helping Children Cope with Divorce" and parenting classes.
Ms. Trotter was involved in launching another grass roots program, "The Families in Transition Program." Tulsa County recognized that divorce and separation were hard on children and sought to reorganize the process of going through divorce in an effort to minimize the negative impacts for families. This program made it mandatory for parties to participate in Mediation before going to trial. Ms. Trotter was the Family Resource Coordinator, and provided information and referral to the Court, attorneys, court personnel, and people going through domestic court. In this role, she provided on-site mediation and crisis intervention. Ms. Trotter assisted with Parenting Plan Conferences as well as Protective Order dockets. During this time, Ms. Trotter was a member of the Families in Transition Working Committee, which wrote the Order Appointing Parenting Coordinator that in its amended form courts still use today. Members of this committee also assisted with writing the Oklahoma Statute that governed the practice of Parenting Coordination, making Oklahoma the first state to pass legislation of its kind. She was also on the Quality Assurance Panel which wrote the standards for professionals who wished to practice Parenting Coordination, made suggestions for systems improvement, oversaw complaints, and established criteria for and maintained approved lists of Mediators, Parenting Coordinators, and Custody Evaluators. During this time, Ms. Trotter also served on The Children and the Law Committee.
"I'm so thankful for my parents. I always wanted to have a private practice like my dad, who's a retired optometrist. My mom is a 'natural born therapist' who inspired me to want to help other people."
~Trey Trotter, LMFT
Ms. Trotter opened her private practice, "Trey Trotter, MS and Associates" in 2001. Her office grew very quickly. In addition to conducting Counseling, Supervised Visitation, and Mediation, Ms. Trotter received and began conducting over 60 Parenting Coordination cases within the first six weeks of opening.
Ms. Trotter expanded her practice and began conducting Custody Evaluations. To date, she has conducted over 30 custody evaluations, has been qualified as an expert witness approximately 100 times in a variety of roles, and is currently listed on both of the approved lists of Custody Evaluators and Mediators in Tulsa County.
Ms. Trotter returned to the Tulsa County Courthouse for another year as the Family Resource Coordinator. She also began teaching as an adjunct instructor at OSU-Tulsa. In 2007, Ms. Trotter received training and began conducting Adoption Home S​tudies.
Ms. Trotter helped launch and taught Anger Management classes in Tulsa. She also wrote the curriculum for Blending Stepfamilies, and taught the Positive Parenting Class. Throughout this time, Ms. Trotter was developed many curricula and gave presentations at various locations, including American Airlines, Street School, the OSU-Tulsa campus, and the OSU Medical Center in Tulsa.
Ms. Trotter opened a second office in her hometown of Ponca City.
Ms. Trotter became trained as a Collaborative Divorce Coach.
Ms. Trotter began teaching "Co-Parenting Through Divorce" in Ponca City.
Seeing a need to bring professional national standards for providing professional Supervised Visitation services, Ms. Trotter, along with two other professional supervised visitation providers, formed the "Oklahoma Chapter" of the Supervised Visitation Network. She is currently Founder and President of the Chapter. This year she also expanded her Supervised Visitation Services and had eight supervisors on staff, one of which is bilingual.
Ms. Trotter closed her Tulsa location and began practicing full time at her Ponca City location.
Trey Trotter, LMFT trained 16 supervisors with "27" hours of curriculum as set fort by the Supervised Visitation Network. All our professional supervisors have been screened, trained and tested in providing professional supervised visitation services.
2019 was a (((BIG))) year for us! We launched our sister company "Remedies, Managing Life's Challenges, LLC. We also re-opened in Tulsa and we had an additional location in Stillwater. In her practice, Ms. Trotter provides counseling services as well as forensic court services (see Menu Tabs at the top for more specific information related to each service.) Her office serves a wide range of counties, including Tulsa, Rogers, Mayes, Delaware, Cleveland, Kay, Pawnee, Payne, Creek, and surrounding counties. Ms. Trotter will soon be again offering continuing education seminars to her colleagues. She is an approved LMFT Supervisor and is accepting LMFT's who need supervision to obtain licensure. Click on the icons below to take you to the websites affiliated with each organization to whom Ms. Trotter maintains membership. For more information, email us at treytrottersoffice@gmail.com or complete the "For More Information" at the bottom of the page.
2023 was even a bigger year for us. COVID changed everything... we closed our Ponca City brick and mortar building and we are doing mostly telehealth!!! We still have an office in Tulsa where we see clients on a VERY limited basis. Call for details. (Additionally, our sister company Remedies, is now a program under our LMFT LLC).
We're on Psychology Today! Check out Ms. Trotter's Profile Here: